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François Allisson, Nicolas Brisset
Aux origines du capitalisme
The origins of capitalism
Robert Brenner et le marxisme politique
Robert Brenner and political Marxism
The book presents the debates on the emergence of capitalism, known as the Brenner debate, after the American historian Robert Brenner, who played a central role in it. This controversy is placed in the history of Marxist debates concerning the transition from feudalism to capitalism from Marx to the present.

Cyrille Ferraton
« Qu'est-ce que l'économie ? ». L'approche herméneutique de Robert L. Heilbroner
"What is economics?" Robert L. Heilbroner's hermeneutical approach
This book is a detailed presentation of the economic ideas of Robert Heilbroner, author of the bestseller The Worldly Philosophers (1953), which has sold millions of copies and been translated into more than twenty languages. It also includes two translated texts by Robert Heilbroner that provide a good introduction to his thought.

Pierre Charbonnier, Daniela Festa, Yaël Kreplak, Christelle Rabier, Pierre Saint-Germier
Tracés, hors-série 2016
Traduire et introduire
Translating and introducing
This special issue of Tracés originates in the idea that although the work of many foreign scholars is accessible to French academics, it is not equally read and debated. This special issue is thus structured around the translation, cliometics and a theory of common in an interdisciplinary perspective (sociology, linguistics, semiotics and art).